Demolition works
- Demolition of small buildings
- Inside demolitions
- Demolition of metal constructions

Deforestation and removal of root stumps
Deforestation, clearance, or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use – either for farming, construction of buildings or infrastructure

Gas cutting
We perform both demolition of metal constructions and cutting in scrapyards

Other ground constructions
- Digging foundation trenches
- Construction of communication networks
- Construction of access roads
- Other ground works

Sihtide, kraavide ja liinikoridoride puhastamine ja rajamine
Tehnorajatiste hooldamise käigus eemaldatakse kasvav võsa ja alusmets. Kasutades metsamaterjali energiatoormeks hoiame kulutused mõistlikkuse piires.
Why to choose us
Our advantages



Complete services
our company
About us
Erado OÜ has been founded with the aim to provide flexible, complete and cost-efficient forrestry services, mainly related to energy wood activities. In addition to basic excavators we stress the importance of right equipment, which enable fast and efficient service, bringing along problem-free and cost efficient solution to our customers.